Upcoming Webinar: Sexually Transmitted Diseases among Men Who Have Sex with Men (June 24, 2021)

Posted June 18, 2021

This webinar will cover the rates of bacterial STDs among men who have sex with men (MSM), identify possible explanations for increasing STD rates, and discuss disparities that impact the MSM population. CEUs are available.

When: June 24, 2021

Time: 7 am – 8:30 am PT

Speaker: Kyle Bernstein, PhD, ScM, Branch Chief, Epidemiology and Statistics, Division of STD Prevention Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Learning Objectives: 

  • Describe burden of bacterial STDs among MSM populations
  • Discuss disparities that impact MSM population
  • Identify possible explanations for increasing rates of STDs

Continuing Education Credits
Continuing Education Credits for Nurses and Social Work are provided by Oakton Community College/Alliance for Lifelong Learning/Continuing Education for Health Professionals. Oakton Community College is an approved sponsor of continuing education through the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation Continuing education credit provided for nurses and social workers. To receive credit participants must attend the entire activity and complete an evaluation form.

Click here to register for this webinar

Questions? Please contact matecillinois@uic.edu

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