Pacific AETC Regional Office

Pacific AETC Regional Office

Pacific AETC works to expand the number and ability of healthcare professionals and organizations in the Pacific region to provide high-quality HIV services to increase access to healthcare and decrease health inequities.  Our Regional Office provides overall leadership and program direction and oversight for the 8 Local Partner sites in the Pacific region. The Regional Office is based at UCSF and housed within the Department of Family & Community Medicine.  The HIV care network in our region consists of over 300 Ryan White Clinics and over 219 Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) operating over 1926 sites.

Regional Office Leadership

Prescott Chow, MUP

Co-Principal Investigator/Program Director

Monica Hahn MD, MPH

Co-Principal Investigator/Regional Clinical Director

Jae Rouse Iñiguez, MSHA, MA

Associate Director for Operations

Regional Office Team

Kirsten Balano, PharmD, AAHIVP

Pharmacist Specialist & HIVLN Steering Committee Member

Alice Chin

Post-Award Analyst

Julie Whitfield

Program Coordinator