Workshop Series: California’s Ending the Epidemics: Implementation Blueprint
Posted March 1, 2024From CDPH Office of AIDS and STD Control Branch:
Facente Consulting, in partnership with CDPH Office of AIDS and STD Control Branch, would like to invite you to our workshop series dedicated to supporting counties in aligning with the State’s Integrated Strategic Plan, including adapting the Implementation Blueprint. The content of the workshop series is mostly aimed at county staff who will be working with the documents, but all interested Stakeholders are welcome.
You are invited to register for as many workshops as you like:
- Customizing the blueprint and aligning local plans including EHE, which provided technical assistance and best practices for these strategies and took place on 1/22. You can find the recording at
- Prioritization and feasibility exercises will take place on 3/11 at 2pm. This workshop will provide guidance and tools for helping to dive into all the activities in the blueprint and determine which are highest priority for your jurisdiction, and which should be tackled now, eventually, and later or not at all. Please register in advance for this workshop:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Community mapping model for collaborating will take place on 3/25 at 2pm. This workshop will provide information about how to use google maps and other tools to create catalogs of community assets and other stakeholders or resources relevant to your efforts to end the epidemics. Please register in advance for this workshop: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
- Communicating the blueprint and other community engagement activities will take place on 5/6 at 2 pm. This workshop will provide technical assistance and best practices for engaging community voice and developing a communication plan for your local blueprint. Please register in advance for this workshop: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.