Upcoming Webinar: NAHEWD’s Bridging HIV, HCV, & SUD: Innovations in the Field (December 10)
Posted December 1, 2021Overview
The sixth session in NAHEWD’s Bridging HIV, HCV, & SUD: Innovations in the Field 7-part webinar series, Treating HIV at the Intersections of Substance Use Disorder and Homelessness, will be on Friday, December 10th, at 12 pm ET. This presentation will describe Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program’s innovative, multidisciplinary approach for engaging and treating people with HIV and substance use disorder who are simultaneously experiencing homelessness.
Click here to register and view the event flyer.
Learning Objectives
- Using a patient case, describe intersecting structural forces that create hypervulnerabilities for homeless people living with HIV and SUD.
- Review the principle of “design for the margins” and describe how this guided program design for our most vulnerable patients.
- Describe core program innovations to close HIV related equity gaps.
- Discuss program outcomes and lessons learned.
More information
Information on the remaining sessions in the series can be found on NAHEWD’s event page or by contacting Liz Lazo at elazo@nahewd.org. The recordings and presentation slides for the previous sessions in the series can be found on NAHEWD’s resource page.