Just Launched: Training & Health Equity Collaborative’s New Website!

Posted October 8, 2022

THEC LogoWe are excited to announce the launch of THE Collaborative’s new website, traininghealthequity.org! THE Collaborative houses the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center (PAETC) along with other capacity-building programs. Check out our timeline that explores HIV & justice, discover our organization’s impactful programs, and learn about our commitment to equitable healthcare. Find out what makes THE Collaborative stand out.

THE Collaborative word cloud screenshot

What is THE Collaborative?

The Training and Health Equity Collaborative is a newly rebranded unit providing training and capacity-building services based in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of California – San Francisco. We envision a healthcare system that is accessible, responsive, culturally affirmative, centered in social justice and health equity, where the lessons of HIV and chronic care are fully integrated into patient- and community-centered models.

THE Collaborative program portfolio includes the Pacific AIDS Education and Training Center, the Alameda County Training Academy, and the Care and Wellbeing Center.

THE Collaborative Program Modules

Our work in social justice is grounded in the collective history of our communities and all who have come before us. we honor the struggles, the advocacy, the strengths, the resilience and the progress they left for us to build upon.

Timeline graphic

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